
some of my thoughts and notes

Anfang März habe ich den CX Break mit frischer HU und roten Kennzeichen von Biebesheim zurück nach Darmstadt geholt. Dort hatte ich noch einige Tage Zeit, um letzte “Kleinigkeiten” vor der ersten Fahrt mit H-Kennzeichen zu erledigen.


For the first time, I'm seriously venturing into the territory of pure psychological pain. The only bad part of pain lives in the mind, so why not focus on the mind alone?


Sometimes during my work, especially when I have a lot of energy, and when my mood is almost unshakeable, I seem to push it “a bit too far”.


I just had an interesting experience talking with you. I think as I realized that my “secret hope” that we might “end up together” was futile and that there would be no “coming back together” as I hoped, this bubble of hope basically burst and vanished. It didn't feel very good.


By all external measures, I'm pretty poor right now. I don't have a home I can call my own, I don't have a girlfriend, I don't have children, my bank account is approaching zero and my modest investments are losing. I don't have a fixed job. I don't have a university degree. I couldn't test my latest design this week because an electrical component failed. I can't be with the people I love because most are far away.


Finished with exactly 1000 words: Journey and 777 words: Freedom must be hospitable I take these as signs to stop writing, even if it seems stupid.


I would like to be there for you on this journey you decided to explore, however far or deep you go. It's much better to have full experience and see both (all) sides or points of view :people_hugging: and then extract important parts from it that you can build on next Thursday, 3. November 22, 14:17


I think all his books are valuable in one way or another, so I want to share them with you. (And also save them online for myself).


I love how simple life is after all. I don't need to think everything through.


Today I had a fascinating experience in the Haugar Kunstmuseum in Tønsberg. The receptionist in the Museum was a surprisingly beautiful elderly woman. Even though she was somewhere between my mother and my grandmother's age, I found her really pretty. But most of all she was incredibly friendly, thanked me for deciding to come to the museum, explained a lot about the exhibitions to me and told me that I could ask her anything I wanted to know.
