Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Starbucks workers celebrate after winning election.

New Orleans, LA – On May 22, workers at Starbucks on Poydras Street won their union election in an 11 to 5 vote. This is the second Starbucks to unionize in the state of Louisiana and the first with a majority-Black workplace. Baristas complain of unpredictable schedules, insufficient hours, lack of seniority-based promotions, and unsafe working conditions. On Mardi Gras day, a customer reached across the bar to punch a barista. Corporate only approved that customer’s ban after the union drive began, months later.


By Caelyn Dallman

Members of OPEIU Local 39 on the picket line

Madison, WI – The OPEIU Local 39 union workers, 500 strong, started their strike against CUNA Mutual Group, now formally rebranded as TruStage, this past Friday, May 19. The action is making history not only as their first strike in their 80-year long relationship with TruStage, but also as being the largest strike in the city of Madison since the Act 10 protests on the capitol a dozen years ago. After over 400 days of stalled bargaining processes, refusal to provide information, retaliation against union leaders, and TruStage’s bargaining in bad faith, workers were left with no other option but to strike.


By Labor Commission, FRSO

FRSO labor commission Statement on the Teamster/UPS Contract Negotiations

The 2023 Teamster/UPS Contract negotiations are here and every class in the U.S. is watching them like a hawk. Workers want to see a serious blow struck against a massive corporation and the ruling class wants to see an increasingly militant labor movement put down. The last time we saw a showdown like this at UPS was in 1997 when the Teamsters under Ron Carey struck and defeated the company. Every contract negotiation after that was increasingly weak and concessionary as the next Teamster president, Hoffa Jr., would talk tough, sell short and declare victory. This culminated with the historic betrayal of 2018 when Hoffa Jr. forced through a concessionary contract after members had voted it down.


By staff

Michael Jones addressing a rally of teachers.

On Monday, May 15, Fight Back! interviewed Michael Jones, president of the teachers’ unit with Madison Teachers, Incorporated (MTI), which represents nearly 2700 educators employed by the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD), to discuss current conditions and a recent week of action where teachers worked to rule. Fight Back!: How long have you been working in Madison schools?


By William Schroeder

Alan Chavoya, representing the Coalition to Save St. Francis, keynotes the progr

Milwaukee, WI – On Sunday, May 7, 150 people gathered for the annual commemoration of the Bay View Massacre. 137 years ago, in May 1886, over 14,000 union workers gathered outside the Milwaukee Iron Company Rolling Mill in demand of an eight-hour workday. These unionists had shut down every single business in the city of Milwaukee except the rolling mills in Bay View. As they were marching towards the mills, Governor Jeremiah Rusk ordered 250 national guard members be posted outside to prevent any striker from entering – these orders included shooting the marchers on sight and resulted in the death of seven people and many others injured.


By staff

Brandon Gehrke-Quintanilla speaks on May Day at the Colorado State Capitol.

Denver, CO – On May 1, about 300 rank-and-file union members, activists and members of the community came together at the Colorado State Capitol to celebrate International Workers Day, or May Day. This worker holiday originated in the United States, and commemorates the Haymarket Affair of 1886, where protesters fighting for an eight-hour workday were attacked and killed by police.


By Simon Rowe

Tampa workers are standing up for their unions.

Tampa, FL – On Sunday April 30, 40 people protested outside the Hillsborough School Employees Federation union hall against the recent passage of union-busting legislation aimed at public sector workers and to mark International Workers Day.


By staff

Lining up for May Day march in NYC.

New York, NY – Around 500 people were gathered around the fountain of Washington Square Park on May 1 to celebrate International Workers’ Day. The first of several events throughout the city, this one was led by several different unions, such as the Teamsters Local 804, and organizations such as DecrimNY.


By staff

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

El 1 de mayo de 2023

El 1 de mayo de 2023, las personas trabajadoras y oprimidas de todo el mundo celebrarán el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores. Este año, la Organización Socialista Camino a la Libertad (OSCL) llama a nuestros camaradas, amigos y aliados a mantener la tradición revolucionaria de celebrar el 1 de mayo. Celebre haciendo manifestaciones, marchas y programas en ciudades de todo Estados Unidos. Puede encontrar una lista de eventos locales del Día Internacional de los Trabajadores aquí.

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