
America's Trusted Psychologist!
Message me at crizea11@gmail.com for your Coaching Call.

**Boss...Even If You Were Cloned, You'd Still Be One Of A Kind :)


Here on Team Dr. Chris, we're always leaning into our edges and taking massive action to become our biggest, boldest, most badass versions of ourselves each and every day.

So I want for all of us to imprint this abundantly truth-filled quote into our beautiful brains...

**“You Will Avoid Things In Proportion To How Much They Change Your Identity” – Dr. Chris

Read that bad-boy quote one more time.

Good Job, Champ! *Firmly Shakes Hand*

Listen up as to why this quote is so important, it's like depositing money into your account...

You have a psychological need to maintain a consistent identity.

The reason for this is because, **doing things that are inconsistent with your perceived identity leads to internal conflict and anxiety.

So, **your mind will search for information to reinforce your identity and prove your beliefs are right.

This is why people are drawn to groups and organizations that primarily support and reinforce their beliefs. The messages from those groups maintain a persons identity. In the field of Social Psychology, this is sometimes referred to as “Groupthink.”

(The above picture is an example of Groupthink and Identity Politics)

**We resist things that threaten to change how we perceive ourselves and the world!

This can be a problem when it comes to achieving YOUR badass goals because **you are avoiding helpful information and experiences because you perceive it to be “bad” or “wrong.”

Sorry to say, but you may be self-sabotaging to maintain a limiting belief about who you are and how you believe the world works.

For example, when I used to work with men in prison, some of them had taken on the identity of being a gang member. Their behaviors and thought patterns had to be consistent with being a “gangster” or else they would be ostracized from their group, which caused a significant amount of anxiety within them. In order for these men to create change in their lives, they had to change their identity!

One of my suggestions to you would be to talk less, listen more intently to other people's perspectives, and say YES to more experiences that push you out of your comfort zone!

That is what *we* do here on Team Dr. Chris.

*We* say *YES* to more adventures...

More accomplishments...

**More avocado!

(Remember, avocados have feelings too)

Here on Team Dr. Chris, we are open to change that feeds every cell and atom of our body and brain.

Most importantly, expand your perceived identity to incorporate the things you want to achieve in your life.

Your identity may be the ceiling to achieving the life you want!

Time to get back to dominating my mission in life, and I'll see you at the finish line, my friend.

If you have any further questions about achieving your desired goals, email me at crizea11@gmail.com and we'll set up a coaching call.

Peace Out!

-Dr. Chris

One last very important thing...

People self-sabotage because of conscious and subconscious rewards.

You may be saying, “self-sabotage is NOT rewarding! What are you talking about, Dr. Chris?”

Your mind and body will do things that it believes benefits you in some way.

Self-sabotaging behaviors have a

Primary gains are the emotional rewards you get from a behavior. For example a person may smoke cigarettes because it makes them feel relaxed despite knowing that it's actually harmful to them.

Secondary gains are the environmental rewards that a person gets from engaging in a certain behavior. This means that a person profits, or gains somethings they desire, from a certain behavior. These behaviors could even be subconscious, meaning it's out of a persons awareness!

For example, a girl that has a deep need for connection may notice that she gets attention from important people when she gets sick or is injured (i.e., attention from doctors, teachers, family members). She then develops the subconscious belief “My need for connection is met when I'm sick or injured” which then leads to self-sabotaging behaviors. Therefore, when she feels lonely, she may “suddenly” get sick or injured as a means of meeting her need for connection.

**My challenge for you is to:


**1) Identify a self-sabotaging behavior.


**2) Identify the primary or secondary gains you receive from that behavior.


**3) Understand how this serves an identity you’ve taken on.


**4) Find healthier ways of meeting your emotional and environmental needs without engaging in those self-sabotaging behaviors.


**5) Create, replace, and focus on a more empowering identity for yourself that’s aligned with your true values, life purpose, and authentic self.


**Hey, honestly, tell me:

**How is it in a world of so much average,


Whatever it is, I'm gonna reward you right now with a kick ass article :)

**Have you ever wanted something that someone else has and felt torn up inside about it?

If so, then you’ve experienced feeling envious.

We can feel envious about almost anything. It can be anything from someone else’s appearance, how much money someone else makes, another person’s talents, or even harmonious relationships of people we know.

It’s normal to sometimes feel this way, but what does it mean? How can we not let it get to the best of us by ruining our lives?

The truth is, envy can negatively affect your life! I’ve seen people go into outbursts of anger and bouts of depression because envy hijacked their brain and behavior.

(You think Kanye West is envious of Adele's success? Maybe haha)

Envy is even one of the 7 Deadly Sins and has been viewed in many religions as an undesirable character trait!

“Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others He who envies others does not achieve peace.” – Buddha

Basically, if envy is allowed to live and fester inside of you, it becomes destructive.

Envy is also represented across many cultures by the color green.

I'm sure you've heard the expression “Green with Envy.”

The term green with envy came from Shakespeare. In the play Othello, the character Iago had what is called the “Green eyed monster” due to being envious. Therefore, Iago became green with envy.

The good news though…There’s two sides to the coin of envy. **You can tap into the energy that envy produces by letting it be a positive force in your life!

You see, I believe that **envy acts as a signal of important information telling us about our desires and who we want to be. The feeling acts like a compass, and tells us that there’s an unfulfilled part of who we are.

You don’t just have feelings of envy for anyone or anything. **You feel envy when it’s significant to you because you identify with what it is you feel envious about.

I'll admit, I was envious of the talents of other guitarists because that was important to my identity as a musician.

(I don't think he's playing enough guitars at the same time haha)

**Rather than letting those feelings lead me to feel bitter towards my musician friends, I practiced day in and day out!

I used the feelings of envy to guide my behavior in a productive way to further actualize my true potential as a guitarist and recorded some kick-ass albums with my band at the time.

Here are the areas in life where people are most likely to feel envious:

1) The Talents of Others: The talent has to be something that you are also working on. For example, I'm not envious of someone that's really great at juggling or gymnastics because I don't see those as part of my identity or what I practice doing. However, I'm more likely to feel envious of someone that plays guitar really well because I also identify as a guitarist and practice the guitar.

2) Envy Between Family Members: This occurs when there is favoritism for one family member over another family member. This is typically seen when there's sibling rivalry. This can be very destructive in the household!

3) Money: This is an obvious one. This is typically the case when there's someone close to you, they have similar characteristics as you, but for some reason they have more money. A person can see Bill Gates' wealth and not fester over his wealth because he is not close to him. However, if a close friend started making a lot of money, that will affect envy a lot more.

4) Other People's Romantic Relationships: Have you ever felt envious of the happy couple that's just laughing it up at a party? It's most likely because that's something you want for yourself. No worries, friend. Many people have been there before.

5) The Appearance of Others: I see this a lot of Instagram where people are envious of the appearance of others. The thought that's going through their mind is “Damn, I wish I looked like that.” This can cause a lot of frustration and pain if not dealt with. The worst case scenario would be for a person to be so overcome with envy of how another person looks that they do radical plastic surgery, develop depression or even an eating or body image disorder.

In the video link below, I explain to you ways you can overcome envy and how to turn those feelings into success!

Just click the link below to learn the strategies of turning your envy into productivity!


Thanks for reading this article. Send me your feedback and questions at crizea11@gmail.com We can even set up a coaching call to help you achieve your goals in life, whether it's in relationships, wealth, or health. I look forward to hearing from you soon :)

-Dr. Chris


*Yo Yo! It's your boy, Dr. Chris*!

Well damn. Don't you look prim and posh today...

Jolly good show, my friend ;)

Here on Team Dr. Chris, we're all about growing our health, wealth, love, and happiness. These are the four pillars to having “The Good Life!”

But guess which pillar is the most important?

*Cue the Jeopardy music*

You answered correctly... It's

If you don't have love figured out, all of the other pillars to having the Good Life will crumble like a cookie dunked in almond milk.

Love can be anything from the love you have for your pets, family, and even environment.

But in today's article, the kind of love that I'm going to focus on is your romantic relationships!

Remember the movie “Night at the Roxbury” and those two guys would bob their head to the song “What is Love?”

Don't be like these guys! haha :P

For years, I didn't have this figured out in my life.

I'd go from empty relationship to empty relationship without feeling a deep connection.

Something had to change!

That's why I delved into the research of understanding the minds of men and women, dating and relationship, love and lust.

I even went to fringe workshops on tantra...Perhaps more about that in another article ;)

So for today, I'm going to give you the “7 Don't's” to avoid if you want the relationship of your dreams.

1) Don't rush the present state of the relationship: I get it, you've finally met that awesome person that makes your toes curl and you can't stop thinking about them in boring meetings at work.

Nothing about them irritates you and they are perfect! The chances are highly likely that you're brain is flooded with feel good hormones and can't see the person for who they really are.

As much as I want you to keep those feelings, and to spark them throughout the course of the relationship, don't let that make you take large leaps in the stages of the relationship!

I know that “Happily Ever After” is want we want now, but you may not be in the right state of mind to be making those big decisions. These include moving in together, getting a pet that you two share, or having an impromptu Elvis themed wedding in Vegas!

Enjoy the present moment for what it is and really get to know them before making those next big decisions.

2) Don't expect your relationship to solve all your problems: If you're single and feeling depressed, bored, or generally unsatisfied with the state of your life, it may be tempting to think that being in a relationship will solve those issues.

There's no doubt that being in a relationship may help alleviate those feelings, but you will naturally fall back to your baseline mood if you don't work on the root cause of what's causing you those problems to begin with.

Take the example of Kate the bartender. Kate was unsatisfied with her financial situation and felt depressed most of the time.

Kate then started to date John the doctor. Thinking that being with a doctor would make her more motivated to turn her life around, Kate's mood was back to where it was within three months of the relationship and there weren't any shifts in her career.

Kate was not lacking an inspirational partner, it was the confidence she had in herself!

Overall, full your own cup of happiness and get to the root cause of your issues rather than expecting your partner to solve those issues for you.

3) Don't expect relationships to be easy: The satisfaction of a harmonious long-term relationship comes with work on yourself and work on the relationship.

There's a paradox that come with the hard times in a relationship...

If you can truly get through the difficult patches in a relationship, this strengthens the bond between you two.

This is why “Make-Up Sex” can be so powerful!

(P.S. Don't get into arguments with your partner purely for the make-up sex. No Bueno!)

View the hardships in a relationship as opportunities to learn about yourself, your partner, and how the relationship is functioning.

If you're honest with yourself in these fragile moments, you can see your triggers for fear, anxiety, and anger. The magic about this is that these same triggers have probably played out in past relationships and are playing out in your non-romantic relationships as well.

(This man is triggered by his partner haha)

Take Lauren's situation. Lauren's dad was controlling of her, which made her feel like she had not control over her life. As a result of feeling like she was being controlled, she became rebellious as a way to never feel controlled. Her rebellious attitude made it difficult for her to keep jobs because she would always butt-heads with her boss. In her romantic relationship, whenever her partner made plans for them, asked her to do something, or made suggestions, Lauren would become defensive and rebellious because she felt like she was being controlled.

(Do you see how her difficulties in relationships and work are related to how was treated in childhood by a controlling father?)

Lauren was able to see that the difficulties in her relationship was related to the bigger theme of psychological triggers. Because she was triggered in the relationship, she saw this as a growing opportunity to put those old ghosts to rest. As a result of this, she was less triggered by her boy friend and boss.

Don't be triggered like Lisa...

There you have it! Some “Don't Do's” in a relationship!

Let me know what you think people shouldn't do in a relationship and what has worked for YOU!

I'm out and off to the gym.

Peace Beast!

-Dr. Chris


Hello my fellow action takers!

You are looking more Bad and Boujee today than ever before…

Good for you ;)

Because you’re on Team Dr. Chris and love your awesome self each and every day, today I’m going to give YOU the Keys To The Lamborghini of personal change.

Do you want an unfair advantage to personal development?

Do you want to tap into your Higher and Wiser Self?

Do you want to easily and quickly attract awesome things into your life?

Of course you do ;)

So read closely, and you may be pleasantly surprised how simple these methods are to create long-lasting and permanent change inside you.

First off, think of all the self-help books you’ve read that didn’t do sh*t to create permanent, long lasting change in you.

Kind of sucks, right?

The reason that most of those self-help books didn’t create lasting change was because they weren’t applying methods that effect the subconscious mind.

They were merely trying to change your beliefs and behaviors through the conscious mind.

Think of it this way, if changing beliefs and behaviors through the conscious mind was very effective, then there wouldn’t be any cigarette smokers in our society.

As a former smoker of 14 years, I knew all the logical facts that smoking causes cancer and other illnesses, but I still smoked despite consciously knowing all of the negative consequences.

(OMG! This is me in Hollywood, November 2007 *Face Palm* haha)

It was not until I was treated by a hypnotherapist where I was able to stop smoking only after 1 session!

The reason hypnotherapy was so profound is because it directly effected my subconscious mind.

My subconscious mind was reprogrammed to have a strong aversion and disgust response to cigarette smoke.

The chains of habit were permanently severed!

I want you to cement this phrase in your mind…

“To Create Permanent Change In Myself, I Have to Effect My Subconscious Mind.”

Read that nugget of wisdom above one more time^^^^^^^^

Good job, champ :)

The subconscious mind is the source of your hidden beliefs, fears, and attitudes. It’s the repository of automatic skills, the source of intuition and dreams, and an engine of information processing.

All of your automatic habits, whether you’re aware of them or not, are being driven by your subconscious mind!

I want you to read closely the following methods to changing your unconscious mind and apply all of them to the areas in your life you want to see change.

1. Repetition Principle: If something happens often enough, it will eventually persuade your subconscious mind. This is probably the crudest way of changing the subconscious, but it works! Repetition is the mother of learning.

Repetition breeds familiarity and liking, as advertisers know this very well. So use repetition to your advantage to program in yourself what you want to feel more and believe more about yourself, others, and the world.

Be highly aware of what it is you’re repeating to yourself verbally and in your environment. Be sure to repeat empowering thoughts, phrases, and places/environments!

2. Parental, Authority, and Group Influence: What are the beliefs and habits that parents, authority, and the groups you belonged to hold? Chances are that you also have very similar beliefs and behaviors.

We like to believe that we’re immune to these outside forces because we’re intelligent, but the truth is that they highly influence us! Take a look what were some of the disempowering beliefs and habits you may have picked up so that you can begin to reprogram those beliefs and habits.

3. Emotionally Impactful Events: Strong emotions will change your subconscious mind. Whether you’re having strong positive or negative emotions, be aware of the messages that are being paired with it.

For example, a person may have a traumatic experience and is told that they are worthless. This is more likely to program their mind to believe that they are worthless.

Also, if you have a very strong positive emotion, such as euphoria during orgasm, whatever message you’re receiving at that time will program your subconscious mind.

(Gotta love “When Harry Met Sally” haha #oface)

My advice to you would be to purposefully create strong positive emotions in yourself and pair those experiences with self-empowering statements and mental images related to things you want to change in your life.

4. Meditation and Hypnosis: Meditation and hypnosis are direct roads to access your subconscious mind. First, put your mind into a state of relaxation and focus on a single experience in the present moment, such as your breath.

Then, visualization and use positive self-affirmations to directly communicate with your subconscious mind.

Pick an area in your life where you’d like to create more positive change, such as feeling calm when publicly speaking.

Relax your mind, visualize going through the motions of the goal you want to achieve, and use positive self-affirmations in the present tense that support your goal.

For example, someone that wants to feel calmer when public speaking may visualize themselves approaching the podium with a smile of their face, speaking clearly and confidently to the crowd of people, while using positive self-affirmations such as “I am calm in this moment as I speak to the crowd. I speak to the crowd with a smile on my face. I enjoy communicating my vision to others. I love to provide value and I do this easily and effortlessly.” Remember to use positive words and to do it in the present tense.

Phew! That was a big and massive post!

Hit me up at crizea11@gmail.com if you have any more questions about these techniques.

Email me at crizea11@gmail.com so we can set you up a coaching call to get you the results YOU want out of LIFE!

Health, Wealth, Love, Happiness...Whatever it is you're struggling with, we can work together to help you get to your goals!

So email me at crizea11@gmail.com and we'll set up a coaching call!

Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Peace Beast!

- Dr. Chris

(Please read this entire, very important message to you. It can potentially change your life)...

What’s up, homeslice!

You are looking fresher than Will Smith in the 90’s…

Fresher than sheets out from the laundry…

Fresher than green juice pouring out a Vitamix…

You get the point ;)

Read this article closely because the insight in it may reveal something about yourself that shocks you to the core and opens the doors in your mind…

Yesterday, I was walking by the Disney Store in downtown San Francisco, and through the front store window I saw a young boy playing with a stuffed Pinocchio doll.

As I watched him play innocently, a feeling of sadness grew over me.

You may ask, “Dr. Chris, why are you becoming all emotional over watching a kid play?”

The reason is that it would be tragic to see this boy, or anyone else for that matter, become and REMAIN A PUPPET in society.

(DON'T be this guy!!)

Many people in our society are living like puppets, controlled by God-damn forces outside of their awareness.

I’m not talking about supernatural forces…

I’m talking about the main stream media, public school system, chaotic households, and poisonous ideologies that keeps people’s minds imprisoned to

remain a puppet to them.

Fvck that noise!

The truth is, I care too fvcking much about the fate of people and the fate of our society.

You see, the story of Pinocchio is more than a cute fairy tale of a marionette puppet in Italy.

It goes deeper than that...It's is about you, the people you love, and our society

(get ready to go deeper down the rabbit hole, my friend)

Pinocchio’s father, Geppetto, wanted his puppet to become a real boy.

One night, life is given to his puppet by a fairy and Pinocchio asks her, “Am I a real boy?” the fairy replies “No Pinocchio. To make Geppetto’s wish come true will be entirely up to you. Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish and someday you’ll be a real boy.”

So Pinocchio goes about his journey and is met with temptations through the “easy road to success”: show business, fame, fortune, and even hot female puppets.

He becomes a trapped prisoner of this existence and nothing can free him but the truth, most importantly, the truth to himself (remember Pinocchio’s nose growing longer when he’d lie?)

Pinocchio finally had to save his father that was swallowed by a whale by entering himself into the belly of the beast.

The whale is a symbol of chaos and going inside its belly symbolizes confronting the darkness of ignorance.

After he saves his father, Pinocchio is resurrected and became a real boy because he broke through the shackles of ignorance to embrace his HIGHER SELF!



My mission in life is to help people reach their Higher and Wiser Self.

I don’t want people to remain as marionette puppets, being pulled at the strings of unknown forces, like Pinocchio was.

All I can do is provide the tools and it’s up to you whether to use them or reject it.

**Just like Pinocchio, it’s up to YOU to become self-actualized and take responsibility for your fate in life.

(Atta boy, Bart!!)

**NO ONE IS GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU (think about that for a moment).

The first thing someone has to do is know what their mission in life is.

**Do you know what your big, throbbing, pulsating mission is?

I really hope so, and if not, that’s okay. I’ve been there before as well.

My PURPOSE in life is to help increase the Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness of 10,000,000 peoples lives!

I do this through my seminars, content I put online, and coaching.

If you need help finding and living by you HIGHER PURPOSE, email me at crizea11@gmail.com and we'll set up a coaching call to help you move in the right direction!

Remember to email me at crizea11@gmail.com so we can set up your coaching call for success!

**So charge forward and I'll catch you soon!

**To YOUR Success!

- Dr. Chris, America's Trusted Psychologist

YES! What's up, champ?

Stop being such a badass boss, because you're making everyone envious of your charming ways ;)

Good for you.

We've got BIG THINGS to discuss today. Things that may forever change your life.

WARNING: The story I'm about to tell you involves being honest with yourself and taking massive action!

If you're not into changing your life to achieve it's greatest good, you can delete this email right now.

If you want to have your mind expanded and become the best version of yourself, then keep on reading...

At the age of 25, I was living in a 350 square foot studio apartment in San Francisco with only $47 in my pocket.

I was depressed, not sure where I was going with my life, and quite honestly, I hadn't had a girlfriend for 4 years.

Yes, in the city where “The Summer of Love” had it's roots, I couldn't even get into a relationship because I was too anxious to even talk to a woman out of fear of rejection!

I was sick and tired of living a lonely and unfulfilled life...Something had to massively change!

But during a typical cold summers night in San Francisco, I was reading the story of Walt Disney. Yes, Walt Fvcking Disney!

It turns out that he was fired from a newspaper because he “lacked imagination and had no original ideas.”

Walt even got rejected by a Kansas City newspaper to be their cartoonist and had become bankrupt from his first movie company!

I thought to myself, “Walt had a lot of shit thrown on him at an early age.”

I realized that Walt didn't complain about society not doing the heavy lifting for him or that things were not fair for him.

He took massive action and was persistent because he knew what his big, throbbing, glorious mission in life was!

I needed that wake up call because the best things in life grow from shitty circumstances!

Walt said that he wouldn't have had things differently because he welcomed the shit that was thrown his way (not quite in those exact eloquent words haha).

Because of this insight, and I discovered what my purpose in life is, I welcomed the shit! It was just another opportunity to grow and develop myself as a person.

The reason for this is because shit is the best fertilizer! It causes things to grow...Get it?! (just think about that for a moment).

The truth is, you're not much different compared to Walt Disney.

You've been in trenches of rejection.

You've not had things go the way you wanted them to go.

And you're here, getting back up on your feet, persisting to have a life worth living!

I want YOU to claim your natural birthright to live with personal fulfillment, self-determination, and achieve your greatest dreams!

You are in great company my friend. That's because the top badasses also had shit thrown their way, and they grew from it!

The pain of being depressed, broke, and lonely was too unbearable for me. Aren't you tired of that too?

Reading about people like Walt Disney made me ask myself, “Why can't I?” and to ignore all of those excuses.

Today, I've got my doctorate in clinical psychology, founded the Dr. Chris Life Academy, and help thousands of badasses like yourself all over the world increase their health, wealth, love, and happiness.

I'm living my Purpose in life!

What about you?

If you still need some clarity about your life's mission, email me at crizea11@gmail.com and we can set up a coaching call to get you on track!

I will help YOU live your life with greater Purpose and life satisfaction in which ever area you need help, whether it's life satisfaction or relationships.

Remember to email me at crizea11@gmail.com to set up your coaching call!

So charge forward and I'll catch you soon!

To YOUR Success!

- Dr. Chris, America's Trusted Psychologist

Have you ever heard this saying before?

“Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” – Anonymous

Whether you believe this is true or not, it’s hard to deny that holding grudges does have an impact on your emotional well-being.

Consider this…Have you ever been lying awake in bed at night thinking about how someone had betrayed you in some way?

It’s normal to have thoughts of how we would’ve liked things in the past to be different. It’s also normal to maybe even have thoughts of retribution towards the person that betrayed us.

However, there comes a time where we are not helping ourselves by holding these grudges and repetitively having these thoughts.

In today’s episode of Dr. Chris TV, I explore what forgiveness is, why it’s important, and how to go about a 10 step forgiveness process.

Click on the link below to watch the video!


Once you go through the 9 step forgiveness process, you may be pleasantly surprised to notice how much more freedom you’re going to feel in life. So, be sure to watch to the end of this video!

You always have the power to lead yourself to your Higher and Wiser Self. This begins with the moment to moment decisions you make in life.

Now, I’d love to hear from you. Share in the comments section below about your own forgiveness process and what has been helpful for you. Also, how do you plan on using this information to go about your own forgiveness process.

Remember, there are thousands of incredible people that will see this video. Your story may be what someone needs to hear right now.

We’re all about positive support and creating community here at Dr. Chris, Life Solutions!

If You're Feeling Stuck In An Important Area In Your Life (Wealth, Love, Happiness), Email Me at crizea11@gmail.com So We Can Set Up A Coaching Call For You! I'll Be Your Thought Partner By Using Proven Techniques To Help You Get Un-Stuck and Living The Live You Want To Live! Looking Forward To Hearing From You :)

Thank you, Family!

Dr. Chris