In a way, the year 2021 started earlier for me. I cut that shitty 2020 short.
some of my thoughts and notes
In a way, the year 2021 started earlier for me. I cut that shitty 2020 short.
Today my boss wanted me to repeat an analysis that I had done on a 1/5 scale model on the computer with the full scale model he had sent me.
Today I made an ugly mistake. I took the careless working style a bit too far. I was widening a hole on a small 3D-printed part with a 12 mm drill on the drill press and held the piece only with my left hand.
I lived in Darmstadt for six years – unbelievable – and now I've been away for almost six months for the first time. I've rarely thought about Darmstadt during this time, but if I do think about Darmstadt, I realize how much I appreciate it.
I just remembered how I visited and explored Bilbao last year. I have some marks left in Google Maps to remember where I parked my car, and together with the old city center they form an almost perfect pentagon.
It's as if I tried to walk into the city from as many different angles as possible within my two very brief overnight visits.
Two days ago I pinched part of my right index finger between the handles of pliers while losing grip over a servo. Immediately a subdermal bleeding caused a pea-sized blister that hurt and limited the use of my right hand.
Yesterday I met an interesting young woman. Trying to grasp who she was my conception of her changed throughout the evening and the night and sometimes I found her incredibly beautiful and attractive and only a bit later almost ugly. How could that be?
So recently I joined this IONS Webinar about Lucid Dreaming that promised all sorts of benefits that come from them. And since then I've been trying to become lucidly aware of my dreams.
A few days ago I watched a short video about the history of the world according to cats.
I always assumed that my mood is simply influenced by what I experience and that my mood in turn influences my behaviour. But is that really all?