

L.A. Ring, Road in the Village of Baldersbrønde (Winter Day), 1912 L.A. Ring, Road in the Village of Baldersbrønde (Winter Day), 1912

This is the first song that comes out of my experiments with Open Guitar Tunings.

I started composing it on the epiano but switched to the guitar for recording since this sounds a lot better IMO.


Yellow Mountain Yellow Mountain (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Edit: I have transferred my songs to another website. You can find this song and a more recent demo here now:


All powerful Loving and compassionate Long-suffering Indescribable Unapproachable light Hidden before me Unknowable but kind


Illustration of "The Trusting Child" Illustration of “The Trusting Child”, a poem by Lydia Sigourney

This is a new song I have started writing about two weeks ago. The inspiration came on the epiano with the first verse. It outlines our frail nature and the idea what will happen when we depart from this world. It's about faith and doubt, about fear and trust.

Edit: I have transferred my songs to a another website. You can find this song and a more recent demo here now:'t%20need%20to%20be%20afraid


Human love for dogs “Human love for dogs” by AnkitaD018 (CC BY)

This is my latest song. It was inspired by a dream. The first two lines and the verse melody are directly from the dream. I couldn't exactly remember the chorus (the part with “I'm gonna love you tomorrow”) but that's kind of what I remembered 8)

Edit: I have transferred my songs to a another website. You can find this song here now:


Tarantula Nebula Tarantula Nebula, Image by NASA

The core of this song is very old. I can't tell exactly but I'd say I wrote the chorus around 2005. It expresses my faith at the time that there is something beautiful in us that shines from within. About a year ago I added the other parts which are inspired by my exploration of Buddhism and Christian mystical traditions. I can't relate to it as much as I did then but it's still kind of interesting 😁

Edit: I have transferred my songs to a another website. You can find this song here now:


Rose Abundance Image by T.Kiya, License

This is a song I've started writing in July 2018. I left it unfinished for quite some time and about half a year ago I've added the middle part. It's quite an uplifting piece and I like to play it once in a while.

Edit: I have transferred my songs to a another website. You can find this song and a more recent demo here now: