
The Log of the man, the myth, the SinBot.

New stuff going on. Back to my roots. 2X FullBody – NE Style, 1X Intensity Day, 1X Volume Day, concurrent periodisation, keep the accessories, rotate main lifts every 3 weeks. 2X conditioning – sled work and neck work. That's training.


8-5 daily. 90 mins deep work. 10 mins off. Got to train the focus muscles. (technically 8 hour 20 but got to account for nonsense that comes up too.)

That will give me 5 sessions of deep work daily, which is pretty good.

If I divide this into 1X Mandarin daily, 1X Startup daily, then 3X switching between ½ subjects, really getting into material – the gains will compound gorgeously.

Let's get after this. Then I've got some hours post for reading, leisure, whatever BS I'd like to do.

I need to make a commitment to depth, and limit my exposure to the worst parts of modernity – whilst utilising its new developments.

Train. Eat. Sleep. Work deeply. Learn. Build meaningful relationships.

What else do I need?

I'd like to be an open node. I've dispelled the idea of genius from my mind, at least for the most part.

It's probably best – considering I'm not one. But what I am is competent, and willing to learn, and collaborate with rational optimists like myself.

I think together, we can found processes that do net positive things. Because really, that's how I'd like to live my life. In a net positive way.

Of course I'll fail. No one's net positive all the time. It's part of the imperfection of being human and all that. But broadly speaking, I'd like to try.

I'll let you know how it goes.

I guess I'm being Zen and not Zen now. It is.

Hmm. I enjoy things and also not.

I do things and do not.

Wow. No expectation or thoughts of gain.

I am a small wave. Wow.

One day I will be no wave. Wow.

I'm realising now I've been quite narcissistic in my way of being for quite some time now. This can't continue – I'll make this change consciously.

My self absorption has been holding me back mentally in a lot of ways. I always idealised having money, being ripped, having beautiful women around me. But it wasn't due to my own beliefs – it was to do with how I wanted other people to see me. In essence, I lived with a hidden inferiority complex.

Don't get me wrong, I'd still like to be financially independent, in good shape, and have a long, committed relationship with someone I can appreciate – but I've got to drill down into the substance of these things rather than the thin superficialities. Like service over greed. Health over aesthetics. And connection over lust.

I'm even writing this blog sometimes with the idea of other people reading it, even though it's completely personal (and I have 0 readers – I checked)... Ultimately, these changes might take a while to make. But it's something I'm willing to struggle towards. Lessening these narcissistic tendencies of mine will be uncomfortable, but in the long run – may be the way to a more fulfilling existence, not only for me, but for the people around me, too. What more reason do I need?

Elon Musk told me to read so I'm reading again.

What can I say? I'm a topsy-turvy mofo.

Going to rifle in on some NDA stuff I can't tell you about. Might become a Brahmacharya for 7 years. Abstain from lust and sensual pleasures. Why the hell not? It'd be an interesting adventure in these secular times of ours.

Joined a startup, recruited some people, learning about hardware.

How to get paid? Make an impact. Preferably a large one.

Will it be easy? No.

Will I bleed? Probably.

But the theory behind nonlinear returns a la Naval Ravikant is as such – bleed enough days row such that one day you win the whole prize and skin the deer.

I've butchered, so-to-speak, his metaphor, but you get the point. I'm willing to bleed.

How to be interesting? Be an amateur reporter, and a scientist, too.

When I'm at my most captivating, I'm talking about weird things I've done, or talking about mad theories I've got about the world around us.

Add my brutal handsomeness to the picture – you've got a Don Juan in the making. One day I'll be Christian Grey, minus the issues.

BDSM? Hell of an idea.

Beats me why I didn't think of it before. All in due time, however. I have other matters to take care of first.

I was wrong. So, so wrong.

I'd romanticised an idea in my head of a weird, isolated loner, who somehow went out and changed the world. I thought I could be that guy.

But you can't. It's impossible.


Networks. You need one. I need one. We all need one.

Lack a network, you become disillusioned. Or at least, that's what happened to me.

A lot of things have changed with me, I suppose.

I care about things now. I'd like to see if I can solve some of humanity's problems. I want to experience life. And I want to care about people. It's a beautiful fucking thing, to be able to care. And if you're capable of it, which I am – why the hell wouldn't you?

Why not give this life thing a real fucking go? I suppose that's a small part of me writing this. On this mad old platform – one that promises change, for a cleaner, more decentralised future. I don't know if that's the right way to go – no one does – but I'm voting for what I want, not through a politician, but through my actions.

We'll see how it pans out.

And where did I reach this conclusion, you might wonder? From a pickup artist's blog. Thanks, RedQuest. You're an interesting fella, and even though we'll never meet, I want to say that I appreciate you.

It's a funny old thing, that. About the people in your networks. They need to match your polarity to some extent, your extremes of thinking. I haven't found many people yet, but I will.

Time to be like a modern-age, Karl Popper.

Testing my beliefs against reality.

I've read a lot about a lot of things. I haven't lived that much, haven't gotten as involved in life as I could have.

Now – I'm going to try.

Besides, it's not like I'll never read again. I just happen to be a person that prefers intensive periods, followed by rest, of really any activity.

Same goes here. We'll see how it ends.

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