
July 13, 2020

Day 37 How’s your roots?

I’m sure different ones would say what roots are you talking about June? Hair roots, family tree roots? Where are you going with roots?

Root systems are something I have been pondering the past week or two and yesterday the sermon at church talked about the sower and the seed. Since my husband is a farmer there is lots of talk about soil, nutrients, rain and the lack there of. Since we have experienced a total opposite weather pattern from last year with its wet, wet and more wet, this year has been dry, dry and pretty much dry with a blessed couple of showers thrown in. My husband and I had a discussion not too long ago about when is a good time to plant crops? On the side of wet or on the side of dryer conditions? He said to plant dryer. He generally tries to put the seed in deep enough moisture so that if there isn’t a rain there is still some moisture there for the seed to germinate and grow. For both corn and soy beans you want a good hardy root system. One way for that to be established is during dry weather. Roots grow towards moisture as most would know. Dry spells force root systems to become better because they grow down and deep tapping into moisture and nutrients in the soil.

On the flip side of that, soils that are really wet make for shallow root systems that are just below the surface. When hot dry weather comes, its really difficult for the crops to withstand the difficult conditions. They dry out, are susceptible to different diseases and subject to unhealthy plants which produce lower yields.

As I watch the crops grow in the fields, I’ve begun to apply this to my life and how I take care of my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual root systems. Do I have shallow roots that cause me to be diseased and have “root rot” or do I cultivate good things go through dry, faith growing seasons that make my roots strong? It is an every day choice and challenge.

Here’s to a good growing season!


June 26, 2020

Day 26 Are you Joy-full?

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. -John 10:10 NASB

For the past couple of days I have had a shadow of discouragement hanging over me. A disagreement over a situation left me questioning my decision in a certain matter. Unfortunately when a wrong or negative thought gets under my skin or worse yet lodged in my thoughts and emotions, somewhere along the line something is going to suffer.

Unless I safeguard my thoughts and emotions, the first thing that ends up missing in my life is joy. The devil hates me being joyful. He will use whatever and whoever to eliminate my joy. Doubts, questions, uncertainty are all telltale signs of joy robbed. Thankfully my husband could see something wasn’t right in me this morning. After some talking we realized what had happened and have since been on the road to a joy filled life again. For me the road to recovery is normally admitting there is a problem and if need be, talk it out for healing to begin.

I’m not full yet but I’m working on it!

Psalm 51:10,12 KJV Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Restore unto me the (Joy) of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.


June 25, 2020

Day 35 Are You Happy?

I have one of those signs that you can change the wording on in my basement which I do change periodically. Recently I put the words Am I Happy on it. A gentle reminder and question to ask myself from time to time.

Invariably, my answer is no. Why is no the answer? What is it that makes me happy in the first place? If I just lose those few pounds I would be happy? If I just exercised more maybe then I’ll be happy. What if I get everything on my list done today will I be happy? What if my kids and my husband do everything I want them to do will I be happy? In all those things my usual response would be a resounding no, none of those make me happy.

Happiness is a choice. A choice to love myself even when I don’t measure up to the many molds of this world. A choice to forgive myself when I don’t look as thin as I would like to be, or am not as smart as many. A choice to be happy with my simplicity and not try and compare or measure myself to others. My choice today, right now is yes I am happy right where I am! I’m thankful, I’m hopeful, I am learning to be content. I’m ok, and it feels good!


June 24,2020

Day 34 Another Hurdle

I know I’ve talked about piano playing in another one of my blog posts. Keeping at something is always challenging for me. I don’t care what it is reading a book, blogging, practicing piano , you name it its hard having the stick with it attitude!

Last week at my lesson, time was running short and my teacher said just have fun with this particular song I had been playing. Knowing that the next week would bring about a new song. Part ways through this week the thought occurred to me why don’t I go ahead and pick a new song and get started on it.

Yesterday at my usual lesson time I informed my teacher I had gone ahead and picked a new song to play. I played through the song not perfectly mind you. It was 3 sharps changed to 4 flats. Which I was able to accomplish the changes relatively well. When I finished playing there were tears in her eyes. She was so happy to see me accomplish what used to be so difficult to even start. She reminded me how pushing through those difficult times has paid off.

Life is indeed full of hurdles of all sizes. Some can be easily overcome, some take what seems like forever. What obstacle do you face? What mountain lays ahead of you that looks way to big to overcome? Let me encourage you to take that first step and another and another. Many of life’s obstacles are overcome with many small steps. Confidence soon comes along side and becomes our cheer leader to keep us moving forward.


June 16, 2020

Day 33 How much do we consider birds?

Matthew 6:26 NASB Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?

On my daily walks I have taken time to observe the various birds that are around our house and surrounding farm grounds.It’s a given that barn swallows are a great asset to your property. Many would disagree because while nesting, they are very messy birds. Yet it is those birds that help keep our mosquito population down. From the breaking of dawn till the setting of the sun you see these birds swooping and dive bombing all over looking and catching food. In a much similar category there are the king birds, blue birds, mocking birds, robins and humming birds that eat various insects by watching , flying down and catching. Chipping sparrows fall into this category as well as I’ve observed a mother and father feeding their young, bugs for lunch.

There are your seed eaters as well. Black headed sparrows, gold finches, starlings, meadow larks, sparrows and morning doves.

It is true as scripture says that they always seem to have plenty to eat without the need of little birdie houses to store their stuff in. It is true we live much differently than birds but I think the big picture is not to worry. Because our Father loves and cares for us, He also supplies bountifully for our needs. So often we forget to ask and sometimes our motives are wrong in what we ask for and therefore don’t receive because of those wrong motives.

Lord, teach me to trust you to provide my every need just like you provide bountifully for our “little feathered friends.


June 15,2020

Day 32 What Can I Do?

It wasn’t until today talking to one of the workers at the nursing home where both of my parents reside that it hit me. Even though I am limited in so many ways with what I can’t do, due to pandemic, my thinking needs to shift into what can I do?

I can send a text to a friend I can write a card to an elderly person. I can write a note of encouragement I can let people know I care I can pray for the needs of others I can smile I can be thankful I can be helpful I can have a joyful heart, the list goes on.

Lord, you are not limited do to pandemic. Show me all the things I can do with your help.


June 11, 2020

Day 31 Overcoming Negative Chatter and Depression

Yes I have to admit I battle with negative chatter in my head on a regular basis. Depression unfortunately is like an old forgotten acquaintance that comes to visit from time to time and I work hard to keep it out of my life. They say when one is clinically depressed there is no cure. I beg to differ. A personal relationship with Jesus, praise and worship, piano playing, exercising, talking with my husband along with positive input has done wonders.

When I was in Fulton County Stress Center many years ago there were activities we did on a regular basis to help us with our depression:

1) Exercise 2) Balanced meals 3) medication 4) therapy 5) Positive thinking 6) Proper sleep

Though I am not on any kind of medication, And I don’t go to therapy, I do know when any of these get out of balance it can throw a person into a negative state of mind. I also find having a smart phone and spending too much time on social media can also have a negative effect on me. I compare myself with others and think negative thoughts of self. I have chosen to limit my negative intake .

I cannot say I have conquered all the negative chatter, but each day I’m learning to forgive myself, and others, love myself and others, and work at making this world a better place one positive thought at a time.


June 6, 2020

Day 30 Live in the Moment

I know its been a few days since I’ve blogged. Lots of thoughts and emotions running through my thoughts and days filled with activity,I didn’t feel like taking the time and frankly had a difficult time putting words to my thoughts. I wrestled with giving up. But that’s unfortunately my norm when things get a little tough and no one really prodding me. I had to learn to own it and get back at it on my own, so here goes.

I asked my husband this morning what he was thinking at the breakfast table. Invariably we both have a tune of some kind going through our thoughts and we usually share what they are. Now mind you my husband likes music but not like the kids and I. It’s rare he knows the whole song or who its by. It was a simple refrain to a song he had heard on the radio while driving tractor. It was “keep me in the moment cause I don’t wanna miss what you have for me...” The Title is “Keep Me in the Moment” by Jeremy Camp

We looked up the words and they spoke to my heart. So as as I headed out for my walk this morning I meditated on those words. How often are my thoughts caught up in self chatter? How often am I thinking about the past or unfortunately too far ahead in the future and completely miss the moment? It is so easy to have my agenda and completely miss Gods agenda and blessings on my life. It is in the moment that God speaks the loudest at least for me while I’m out in nature.

Believe it or not, I came back from that walk much more relaxed and renewed ready to take each moment through my day. The chatter is less noisy and I have been more productive with my thoughts, my emotions and activities.

Thank you Lord for teaching me how valuable living in the moment truly is.


June 1, 2020

Day 29 A Choice

Choices are thrown at us each and every day. A choice to grumble or be happy, a choice to look for good or look for bad. A choice to harbor grudges or forgive, to be jealous or be loving. The list goes on and on. In the case of this pandemic we have had many changes thrust upon us and have had to make choices in how to respond, how to adjust.

Do I always make the best of choices? No, quite often mistakes are the greatest teachers in life lessons. When I perceive others have wronged me, I confess forgiving is not always my first response. I haven’t always made wise choices with my thoughts and words. Literally I have gotten angry only to realize I may have vented steam but that didn’t solve or change anything. All I have done is hurt myself and others. In those cases I chose to blame others instead of taking responsibility for my own actions and behavior.

So where am I going with this? History has a way of repeating itself . I have often found myself on a number of occasions saying because of my upbringing I am the way I am. I have used that as a crutch to be my excuse for my behavior. Truth is there may have been many things in my upbringing that has hurt and hindered me but it comes down to today. What is my crutch today? My past is the past I cannot change it. I can admit my failures and learn to apply good behavior skills in parenting, in being a wife, a mother, a follower of God, a neighbor, in all of life. After all , the choice is mine.


May 28, 2020

Day 28 I’m a Packrat!

I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time dealing with my “stuff”. Set aside my emotions and ambitions and yep you have me and my stuff. I used to observe my mother in law and always thought she had her “stuff” together. She had a routine, never laid anything down and never kept more than was necessary. She was meticulous in keeping herself and her home in order.

when we moved into her house after her passing roughly 3 years ago, my thoughts were how hard would it be to keep her house like she kept it? I found out it wasn’t that simple. I was not raised like she was raised. I did not learn what she learned over the years. And last but not least there is, and will only be, one of her not two.

I come from a family of packrats. I only know the true extent of this because my sister and I literally went through all of our parents “stuff” to downsize and move them into a condo. Only to turn around in 2 ½ years and go through everything that didn’t get gone through the first time. Let me insert here, mom and dad had my grandma and grandpa’s stuff as well as my great aunts stuff which I still have some of that to through too. Ugh! You would think I would have learned a valuable lesson. I can be a terribly slow learner. Sometimes I don’t think I really care. Then I had a day like today when it was time to clean the basement. I had been putting it off for a rainy day and so today was the day. It dawned on me, yep I save way too much “stuff”.

You never know when you might need that. Someday I’ll get around to using that. And then all the projects and nifty ideas... sometimes some day never comes. And so I learn to part with it, what ever” it” is.

Yes, I’m a packrat. I keep way too many things. Some times I just don’t want to deal with making a decision in what to keep and what to get rid of. I’m learning to be happy and content with who I am and try not to be hard on myself and others. Life is too short to spend all of it keeping my stuff in order. I guess its a form of job security? Always having something to do. I will continue to make changes, move things on, toss things out and focus more on enjoying each day to the fullest with no regrets.
