
Wife, mother, grandmother and XRP lover ♥️..I live for peace ✌🏻 and love and Coil blogging ♥️

Well eveyone. They said it would happen and here we are! I know that my emotions are up and down right now with the change in price of XRP! I want to share with you why it’s effected me this way and maybe it will be easier to understand! Let’s go!

My husband came across XRP a few year’s back. He was looking into Cryptocurrency and XRP caught his eye. Now I’m not kidding you when I say that we lost that man for a, YEAR! When he’s ready to learn his determination is relentless! Such a positive trait about Michael but, it didn’t sit well with the family. Our grandson Fynn was young and couldn’t understand why papa was always disconnected from us and at his computer. Ultimately Fynn stopped talking to him. He was so mad for the little 2-3 year old that he was. I literally didn’t cook meals for about a year. I’m not kidding about that either. Michael would grab something quick and just sit at the computer. That’s how that year went.

After he was done doing his own research he had made the decision that he wanted to invest in XRP. I mean “you just spent a YEAR learning about it so you might better do something with it”, I think in the back of my head. When he approached me about the purchase though I just gave my blessing. It’s “our” money and we have a lot of respect for one another so we don’t make these big decisions without the support of one another. So he got the green light from me and he was off to the races. Time to “FILL THOSE BAGS”! He did try to induge me but, I wasn’t really interested. I trusted him and that’s all that mattered. I didn’t think he’d spend our money on something that he wasn’t to sure about. I was quite perplexed that he was still at the computer though. That I asked about.

Michael explained the XRP community to me and invited me to join. Again, I wasn’t really interested but, I’m glad he was happy. He’d make his purchases of XRP and he was feeling really good about it. He told everyone about XRP but, only a select few would listen. This is where my emotions come in. I will get to that very soon!

I finally got curious enough and decided to join the XRP community. Once I was in I was like a sponge. I didn’t realize it but, I was interested in learning about XRP! I mean bags, bags, bags. Everyone had bags. People have full bags, ½ full bags, bags that didn’t have enough in them but, everyone had bags. Whoa, this must be huge but, I never saw any bags around my house! Did we really invest? If we don’t have bags then what was he doing on the computer for a whole..YEAR? This almost cost Michael a divorce BUT, I’ll share with you how that went down and our marriage was saved.

For $5.00 a month you can join Coil and also have access to Cinnamonvideo! You don’t have to miss anything! Come on and give it a try. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!


I am going to share some thoughts that I’ve had over the past weekend and of course I always love to hear how others feel if they feel they want to share. Something in my brain has changed since March and I’m starting to wonder if it all was part of a master plan. I’ll explain!

I’ve been sick for about 3 week’s and last weekend I finally saw a Doctor. I had a couple of different diagnoses but, Coronavirus and Flu were ruled out. Well, with being this sick and fevers so high there’s not much you can do so, you rest. I found myself indulging in a lot of videos over the past couple of week’s and when I’d get to the end of the video, the only thing I felt was doubt and confusion. I try to stay away from video’s that can manipulate your mind but, seems you can’t get away from them anymore.

This is what I keep seeing over and over. Change. Change is coming and chang is here. The world has changed because of Covid-19 and I know in the USA things have been changing on a daily basis. This is the “norm” now so I’ve learned to just roll with that. Curfew, no curfew, 10 people at Thanksgiving, cops not inforcing this,state boarders are open and then they are closed. Did they know if they did this enough that a lot of people would be mentally beat down and just “go with it”? Was this all part of a greater plan? Were they always going to hijack our brains and know that eventually we’d just surrender to some degree?

This is what they say because a vaccine is basically, out. They are saying that once the vaccine is delivered to “all of the people” that we get our “normal” life back but, will we? What is normal anyway? I’ve lost my ideas about “normal”. Normal to me now is seeing someone’s mask and saying, “Oh wow I like your mask”! Strange, right?

For $5.00 a month you can subscribe to Coil and have access to Cinnamonvideo also! There’s so much to learn and you don’t have to miss anything.

Go ahead and give it a try!


Hey everyone! So as I’ve shared with all of you that my daughter and I found a new way to shop. This way of shopping has brought us an over abundance of stuff and we want to share with you! In this blog I’m going to share some photos of things that we have to “stuff your stocking” with. Our main concern is doing this COVID-19 safe! So all the safety measures will be in place. Lastly we are asking people to bring their own stockings. We will have a few on hand just in case. We want to stuff as many stockings as possible so I know you’ll only stuff the stocking or stockings that you need. Times are hard and this is one way to make it a little easier. Date and appointment setups coming very soon! A preview of some of the products!

Adorable bags and many to choose from!

Lots of keychains and many designs!

Bags for the younger ones. These are adorable 😍

Maybe you have a student that need’s to wear an ID? These are neat!

Purses, change purses and even adult keychains! So many different ones to choose from!

Brackets and smoosh monsters. Unicorns who’s noses pop out! Very cute too💕

Pens, pens and more pens! If you can’t find a fun pen then you’re not looking hard enough! So many adorable pens!

Hey Santa brings socks to my home! There’s an arrangement of Children’s socks!

Nails! What young lady doesn’t want a Manni done at home? Super fun idea for our young ladies!

Who’s lipgloss isn’t popping? Ya, so much and lipstick too!

So as I said this is just a sneak peek of some of the stuff we have. If I posted a photo of the product then it means we have a lot to give away! We are looking forward to this and we hope it starts a new tradition for my daughter and I! Stay tuned for dates and appointment times so we are COVID-19 SAFE!

Well just when you think that thing’s can’t get anymore confusing with this new wave of COVID-19 coming in, you open Facebook and there it is! I’m not sure about where you live but, where I live the virus is spreading so rapidly right now that our Governor is making changes almost, daily. I’m going to share with you where I got my confusion from.

Just days ago our Governor, Andrew Cuomo changed up the rules to accommodate the rapid rise in the Coronavirus. Now many don’t like our Governor but, I do feel that he’s truly concerned about the people. His new set of rules say that Bar’s, Restaurants and gyms must close by 10pm. If they don’t they risk a fine of up to $2,500. He also said that with Thanksgiving just around the corner that he’s putting a 10 person max per household. Not many are happy with this and they were very vocal about it. That’s when one of our local Sheriffs Decided to give his thoughts on this on his personal Facebook page. Here’s what he had to say.

For $5.00 a month you can subscribe to Coil and never miss a blog. You’ll also have access to Cinnamonvideo. There’s so much wonderful content. Give it a try. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.


So I’ve been laying in bed sick. Not much to do so I’ve been diving into a lot of different Coil blogs. Wow, it’s amazing how much diversity there is on the platform of Coil and imagine we only pay $5.00 a month to access all of it. Blessing? I’d say that’s a fact.

I was reading a blog basically saying, “That’s all folks”. This blogger wants to spend less time on Social media and more time in the real world. He’s a truly gifted writer and someone who’s blogs I follow closely. Why do I follow him so closely? I absolutely love his content. He “seems” like a great guy and sure we connected on Twitter but, it’s the contents of his blog that keeps me going back for more. I can’t wait to see what he’s going to say next. He asked the question in his last blog, “Would you support me and my blogs if I’m not giving you an UV”? The answer immediately was in me head. Of course. This isn’t supposed to be, “I UV you and you UV me”!

There’s many blogs that I support that the people don’t even speak to me. Maybe they don’t know me or maybe they just don’t want to talk to me. I’m truly alright with this because I support good content that I feel can benefit others. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “I only want an UV on my blog if you feel it’s worthy. An UV is a tool to me. If I write about something and it’s just not “my thing”, the only way for me to truly know that is for the blog not to get support. A blog with 3 UV’s obviously is just a topic that doesn’t work for me or one that I need to educate myself more on before I share it in a blog.

For $5.00 a month you can have access to all of the amazing blogs that are shared on Coil and also habe access to Cinnamonvideo. There’s such a diverse group of Content Creators and I’ve learned so much from these blogs. Hey give it a shot. Even if you only try it for a month. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.


Good morning Coil Community. I hope eveyone is well, with the Pandemic making a comeback here we are on pins and needles. Our world is ever changing and for so many different reasons. I have decided that no matter what happens, I’m just going to be myself, my TRUE self. Not the “self” that people try to label you on Social Media or the “self” that I think people want to see. I’ve worked to hard for that so I’ve decided being my true self and being motivated can help me a lot in the long run.

After suffering a very long depression I decided it was time to take back control of my life and start making moves in the right direction, which would be a positive direction. I vowed to let nothing bring me down. Well, there is 1 thing but, I have no control over that and that’s the condition of my husband. I can’t change him or fix him so I will be my best loving self and see where this leads us. I can’t let it destroy me because I have children and grandchildren that rely on me, heavily. If I’m not going to let my own family situations destroy me I’m certainly not going to let the drama of social media destroy me. This thought occurred to me after reading Ferdi’s blog this morning and he calls out “Motivation is Down” It’s only down if you let it be. I choose not to!

If you’re a good person and you have good intentions then your good self will alway’s shine though. Yes, I lost sight of this for several month’s but, I work diligently, daily to keep this in the forefront of my mind. Everyday when I wake up I think of 1 positive thing. That 1 positive thing get’s me up and motivated. I want to start my day on a positive note and also end my day on a positive note and I’m not going to let anything in between bring me down. Nothing and I mean nothing is more important than the tone that I personally set for my family. Yes, I’m the woman of my home and quite often I’m the tone setter. Codependent? No, I’m very old fashioned and that’s how my home is run.

For $5.00 a month you can subscribe to Coil and also have access to Cinnamonvideo. You never have to miss anything. Come on and give it a shot. So many wonderful creators.


When the world goes crazy what makes you smile? Is there day’s where you just have miles and miles of smiles? Someday’s I just open my phone and BOOM! My miles of smiles are right there!

The end of miles and miles of smiles. I hope you can find a reason to smile today!

For $5.00 a month you can subscribe to Coil and also have access to Cinnamonvideo. You never know what’s going to come out in the “locked section”. Give it a shot. I don’t think you’ll regret it.


Today I want to share a blog with you about how another Coil Creator went above and beyond on the Coil Platform, in my opinion, just yesterday. I didn’t ask his permission to write about him but, this is where my heart brought me because trust me I’m DONE writing, thinking or speaking about elections. I will accept our new President and look forward to what he has to offer.

I have had the great privilege of watching one of my fellow Coilers, @NewWorldBank2 grow in his video making abilities and to be honest he’s inspired me, greatly. Here’s the thing though, I tried it with the photography thing with Michael but, it just wasn’t my thing. He’s got “the eye” and I don’t. What about videos though? That’s a different ballgame and since I’ve been inspired by someone I reached out and told him so. I mean that’s gotta feel pretty neat. Knowing that YOU did something that can possibly change someone for the better or help them learn a skill that just doesn’t come natural to them. Well, this man did that for me and I’m so humbled and grateful.

I remember when I first met this gentleman on Twitter/Coil. He was talking about being from Croatia 🇭🇷 someplace I knew nothing about. So I dove right in. This man isn’t someone that will sugarcoat anything to make you feel better, he speaks the truth and yes sometime’s people think it’s rough but, I love it. Imagine saying what you think all of the time just because that’s what’s right to him. I’ve seen him go back and forth on Twitter over many subjects and I’ve also seen him be somewhat wrong and he promptly admits it. I won’t lie and say I understood this man right from the get go because I didn’t. Ask him and he will tell you that I, “Live in a Country where everyone appears FAKE because they are just to nice and nobody is that nice”! Yes, that’s how he feels. Here’s the other side though. I reach out because I admire his work and I have a desire to learn and never did I expect a blog the very next day. Ok, I’m not saying it’s just for “ME” but, I’m the one that reached out and to see this yesterday was amazing!

I’ve watched people do this for one another on Cinnamonvideo and I was completely in awe. In the middle of the Pandemic the wonderful @nickelndime05 picked up his guitar and taught Niels @nvds888, Cintia @veggiessima and probably many more how to play. My son took guitar lessons and I know what we paid. Not to cheap but, of course worth it. This is why I’ve always encouraged people to subscribe to Coil because you will learn something. I mean I learned how to feed my very sick husband healthy, when he still ate. Amazing.

For $5.00 a month you can subscribe to Coil and also have access to Cinnamonvideo. This blog alone will show you why it’s so amazing! Check it out!


This is a situation that really bothers me. How do we make someone responsible for someone else’s behaviors or actions? I simply say, “We don’t”. I’m going to explaine the situation so you can better understand it.

The phone rings at 2:35am and someone’s crying on the other end. We all pretty much know that if the phone rings at that hour not much good is going to come from it. I’m going to call my friend “Bob”. Bob went out with a group of friend’s to celebrate the Birthday of one of our other friend’s. I was invited but, politely declined for a couple reasons. 1. I just don’t belong in bars, period. I’m a recovering alcoholic and I just don’t fit in there. 2. My husband isn’t well and I feel leaving him home alone to go celebrate is just grossly inappropriate and 3. I’d rather have my grandchildren who bring some peace to my already damaged heart. So that’s why I was home and not out celebrating and possibly in handcuffs.

It wasn’t Bob’s Birthday but, he was there to celebrate with “Mark” and several other friend’s. Time ticking away and drink’s flowing and then that’s when all of the chaos begins. All this pent up aggravation from COVID-19, Election stress and even Mark losing his job and the beer muscles came out in full force. The incident, according to the police officer I spoke to was 100% Mark’s fault but, Bob was also being charged with, “Simple Harassment” and needed a ride. That’s where I come in but, we will wait a second on that part.

I asked Bob what he did during this incident of fighting and he said, “I pulled Mark off the guy and said let’s go. The night was over”. So why was he being charged as well? I asked him to put the cop on the phone and he did. The office was very kind and he obviously heard the conversation between Bob and I. So I asked the question, “Why on earth is Bob being charged with anything seeing that he tried to help the situation”? The officers answer floored me. He said, “He could have chosen to stay out of it but, he got his hands in the mix”. I said, “It seems like he was trying to fix the situation, make it go away and also end the night”!? The cop agreed that’s exactly what happened but, he said that “Bob” should have turned his back. Hmm. Time’s have changed indeed. So the last thing I said to the officer before I rolled out of bed to make this dreaded journey at now almost 3am was, “So basically Bob is being given a ticket because he was there. You’re saying he’s guilty by association”? The answer was pretty much, “YES”!

For $5.00 a month you can subscribe to Coil and also have access to Cinnamonvideo. There’s some wonderful blog’s on here packed full of all sorts of different ideas. Check it out. It’s $1.00 a day for 5 days.


Well, as we all know our major holidays are fastly approaching but, this year will be a year like noneother. I honestly don’t have the answer to how we move forward with holidays and Covid. That’s why I’m writing this blog. Maybe others have though this out but, it’s very hard to figure out to me.

So since Covid-19 hit we have had some holidays. We celebrated Easter and Covid-19 was fairly new. I chose to have my children, grandchildren, father and brother over for Easter but, we did it outside and we did practice social distancing. Everything went great and nobody got sick. Amen to that.

I happen to live in a state that gets very cold and by November we could have a foot of snow. Having Thanksgiving outside just isn’t an option. My question is how do we do this safely? The only thing I can come up with is maybe accepting the fact that we can’t and won’t be surrounded by our loved ones on these major holidays. Our home still has to be so careful because of Michael. I’m always the one to worry because the Doctor told me that if Michael gets COVID-19 he’s got a 5% chance of making it. He’s now done with treatment but, he’s still been fairly sick. He’s got his good days and he’s got his bad days. Maybe I’m just to nervous. I don’t know.

What’s your idea of Christmas Eve? All the family coming together to eat, drink and be merry? Yes, that’s what I think but, can we safely do that this year? Can you actually invite your Aunt over who you’ve not seen in months and trust that she’s safe? Again, I don’t know. I know some say they don’t care because nothing will keep them away from their family but, is this a risk we really are willing to take? Again, I don’t know.

I know that I’ve been out to social events but, I wear my mask, social distant and use my hand sanitizer. I feel I’m in control so to speak, when I’m out in public. If I invite family over for the Holidays I feel I’ve lost that control. I don’t know how seriously they’ve taken COVID-19 or what percautions they’ve taken. I feel like one option could be to ask questions. Ask your family members where they stand on this issue and how seriously they’ve taken it. When I write that though it just doesn’t seem like enough. I mean it’s my family that I’m protecting so that’s pretty serious.

I’ve thought about this over and over and this is what a see in my head. If everyone just stays home for the holidays then it will be myself, Michael, Alyson, Phillip and Mason here at home. My dad and brother would be home by themselves. That to me is so painful to think about. My son and his family would be in another home and that’s 2 of my other grandchildren as well.

Christmas Morning is always done at my home. The grandchildren wake up at home and then they all come to our home and we have a beautiful Christmas morning, together. Everyone opens their gifts. The adult children and the grandchildren. Then together we cook a big Christmas morning breakfast and almost immediately after that Christmas dinner is started. How can we do all of that, safely?

If you’ve thought about this yourself and you’ve come up with some ideas? I’d really love you to share them with me. I’m not ashamed to admit that I don’t understand everything and I don’t have the answers on how to do our holidays safely but, still surrounded by my loved ones. I’ll thank you in advance for any ideas or input at all. I feel this whole holiday season will be a learning experience for all. No matter that we have to stay safe but, not being with the family I love so much seems unbearable.

No matter what you choose to do please be safe. None of us need to be dealing with COVID-19. I’m just as scared of it now as I was in the beginning. It didn’t go away on Election Day as many people predicted. It’s just getting worse around here. Stay safe.